Symposiums/Paper Presentations
- Symposiums/Paper Presentations -
*Denotes graduate student status **Denotes undergraduate student status
Kim, S.Y., Dhar, J., Wong, P, & Wu, C (April, 2024). Decolonizing Chronic Pain: Challenging Eurocentric Dominance in Chronic Pain Research and Treatment. Paper Presented at the US Study of Pain. Seattle, WI.
*Dhar, J. Kim, SY (April, 2024). Chronic Pain in Adult Children of Immigrants: A Multidimensional Mediation Analysis. Paper Presented at the US Study of Pain. Seattle, WI.
Kim, S.Y., Wong, P, & Wu, C (April, 2024). Chronic Pain in Adult Children of Immigrants: Review of Pain Literature with Limited English Proficiencies. Paper Presented at the US Study of Pain. Seattle, WI.
Park, S., Kim, J., & Kim, S.Y. (June 1, 2023). The Mediating Effects of Perceived Social Support and Personal Growth Initiative in the Relationship between Kinesiophobia and Life Satisfaction among Chronic Pain Patients. [Poster Abstract]. The 10th World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (WCCBT 2022), Seoul, South Korea.
Kim, S.Y., ×Yang, W. *Singh, S., *Ziwani, Z, & *Hamm, E. (April, 2023). and semantic network analysis of pain-related tweets. Paper Presented at the US Study of Pain. Durham, NC.
Kim, S.Y., ×Yang, W. *Singh, S., *Ziwani, Z (March, 2023). Linguistic markers of pain: machine learning perspective. Paper Presented at the American Academy of Pain Medicine. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Kim, S.Y., *Nguyen, N., Suh, H., Lee, J., Kim, M. (August, 2022). “You should speak up”: Language and shame among ethnic and linguistic minority students in psychology Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Kim, S.Y., *Nguyen, N., **Bradshaw, A., & **Harper, E (August, 2022). Providers' Perspectives in Pain Care Among Linguistic, Cultural, and Ethnic Minority Patients Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
*Nguyen, N., Kim, S.Y., & Lee, J. (2022, March). The change of work-family-social support interface among workers with chronic pain: A latent transition analysis. Paper presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Long Beach, CA.
Kim, S.Y., *Nguyen, Nguyen, Flores, L. (2020). "You should speak up”: Language and shame among non-native English speaking students in Counseling Psychology. Counseling Psychology Conference. Symposium cancelled due to COVID-19
Mitchell, A., & Kim, S.Y. (2020). Burnout among faculty and students: Exploring the role of counseling psychology values in reengaging with the field. Counseling Psychology Conference. Symposium cancelled due to COVID-19
Velez, B., Kim, S.Y., Cox, B, Manosalvas, K., & *Daheim, J. (2019, August). A Robust Test of the Mediation Model of Minority Stress with Sexual Minority Adults. In Velez Brandon (Chair), Pushing the Boundaries: Testing Minority Stress Theory with Diverse Populations. Symposium to be presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
*Nguyen, N., Kim, S.Y., *Neduvelil, A., &*Daheim, J. (2019, August). Developmental Trajectories of Work-Family Conflict and Enrichment among Midlife American Employees. In Shin Ye Kim (Chair), Life Span approach of work-family experiences over time among midlife and older adults in America: Findings from three longitudinal studies. Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
*Neduvelil, A, Kim, S.Y., Shigemoto, Y., & Grzywacz, J.(2019, August). Longitudinal Stability of Work-Family Enrichment Over and Above Well-Being and Personality Traits In Shin Ye Kim (Chair), Life Span approach of work-family experiences over time among midlife and older adults in America: Findings from three longitudinal studies. Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
* Daheim, J, Kim, S.Y., *Iserman, M., * Neduvelil, A., & *Nguyen, N. (2019, August). Diurnal Cortisol Profiles Among People with Chronic Pain and their associations with Work, Family and Work-Family Spillover. In Shin Ye Kim (Chair), Life Span approach of work-family experiences over time among midlife and older adults in America: Findings from three longitudinal studies. Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Kim, S.Y., Chavez-Korell, S., & Newell, M. (2018, August). The Effect of a Multicultural Counseling Course: A Mixed Methods Study. In Derald Sue (Chair), Show me the data: Efficacy of multicultural counseling. Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Kim, S. Y. (2018, August). Chronic Pain and Well-Being: A Longitudinal Evidence. Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Choi, A., Kim, S.Y., Keum, T., & Chandni, S.(2015, August) Self-awareness in Research: Students Reflect on their Ongoing Scholarly Development. Symposium conducted at the Annual Convention of the Asian American Psychological Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Kim, S.Y.,& Royal, A. (2015, April). Psychoanalysis, Race, and Culture. Symposium presented at Wisconsin Psychoanalytic Institute.
Kim, S.Y., Dwivedi, D., Robinson, R, & Choi, A. (2015, January). Implicit Enactments in Multicultural Psychology Training: Four Graduate Students Revisit their Experiences with Intersectionality, Marginalization, and Privilege. Difficult Dialogue presented at National Multicultural Summit, Atlanta, GA
Kim, S.Y., Ladhani, S., & Gurung, R. (2014, August). Cultural Sensitivity in Medical Setting. Symposium presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Kim, S.Y., Fouad, N.A., Heppner, M., Ghosh, A., Suh, H., Munoz, M. (2014, August) Doctoral students of color: Reflections from two APA Bersoff Presidential Award Recipients. Round Table presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Ghosh, A., Kim, S.Y., & Chang, W. (2012, August). Culturally Competent Counseling for Asian Americans. Symposium Presented at Asian American Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.
Kim, S.Y. (2011, April). What Prevents us from Seeking Professional Help? Reconsidering Korean Americans’ Help-Seeking Patterns. Symposium presented at the Holy Name Medical Center Conference, Teaneck, NJ
Kim, S.Y. (2010, August). What Prevents us from Seeking Professional Help? Reconsidering Korean Americans’ Help-Seeking Patterns. Symposium presented at the Mustard Seed Generation Conference, Gaithersburg, MD.