Peer-Reviewed Journals
| Peer-Reviewed Journals |
*Denotes graduate student status
**Denotes undergraduate student status
× Denotes former graduate mentee
Updated: 12/10/2024
*Wilford, K. F., Iturriaga, M. J. M., Wainer, M., Vugrin, M., Hooper, T. L., Brooks, T., James, R. C., Kim, S.Y, Seeber, G. H., & Sizer, P. S. (in press). Sociocultural Constructs and Sensorimotor Control: A Scoping Review Examining Implications for Anterior Cruciate Injury. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Kim, S.Y., ×Shigemoto, Y., & *Nguyen, N. (2025) Can social pain be medicated away? A pilot study on everyday discrimination and its exacerbation of opioid abuse risk in people of color with chronic pain. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
Kim, S.Y., *Nguyen, N., & *Yoo, H., & Bartholomew, T. (2024) “I can’t think in English when I hurt so bad”: the phenomenology of racial and linguistic minority chronic pain patients’ experience with pain communication. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1–26.
Kim, S.Y., ×Shigemoto, Y. (2024) The pain injustice experience questionnaire: Measurement invariance across gender and racial/ethnic minority status. Journal of Pain Research. DOI: 10.2147/JPR.S475808
Kim, S.Y., *Iserman, M.,*Nguyen, N. & *Yoo, H. (2024) Diurnal cortisol patterns in chronic pain: Associations with work-family spillover, work, and home stress. stress, 27 (1), 2402954.
*Nguyen, N & Kim, S.Y. (2025) The moderating role of critical consciousness among racial and ethnic minorities with chronic pain Rehabilitation Psychology
*Wilford, K. F., Iturriaga, M. J. M., Wainer, M., Vugrin, M., Hooper, T. L., Brooks, T., James, R. C., Kim, S.Y, Seeber, G. H., & Sizer, P. S. (Revision Under Review). Sociocultural factors, gender, and sensorimotor control: A scoping review examining implications for anterior cruciate injury. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
*Lam, S. Goldberg, S., *Xie, Q., Kim, S., Hsu, W., & Hui, X. (Revision Under Review) Two Sides of One Coin: Reconceptualizing the Challenges of International Student Therapists
*Gissandaner, T, Littlefield, A, Schmidt, A, Victor, S, Kim, S.Y, Morrow, A., & Borrego, J.(2024). Caregiver Adverse Childhood Experiences and Preschool Externalizing Problems: The Role of Factors that Contribute to Caregiver Resilience. Child Abuse & Neglect
Song, C., Kim, S., Canales, B., Xie, Hui (2023). Differential effects of family and friend support in sexual minority aging adults: Analysis of MIDUS 3. International Healthcare Review
*Nguyen, N., Kim, S.Y., *Yoo, H., **Tran, S (2023) Work-Family Conflicts and Pain Interference Among Midlife Adults: A Longitudinal Serial Mediation via Family Strain and Loneliness, Psychology and Health
Kim, S.Y., Park, S.Y., *Mathai. B., *Daheim, J., **Delgado, B.,& France, C. (2022) Cultural dimensions of individualism and collectivism and risk of opioid misuse: A test of social cognitive theory. Journal of Clinical Psychology
*Nguyen, N., Kim, S., *Sanchez, M., & Morales, A. (2022). Internalizing Symptoms among Asian American Language Brokers: The Moderating Role of Values Enculturation.
Kim, S.Y., Lee, J., & *Boone, D. (2022). Symptom Profiles of Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, and Somatic Amplification: Exploring Differences across Profiles in Protective and Risk Factors in a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Pain Research
Kim, S.Y., Santana, M., & *Daheim, J. (2022) Career development of male counseling psychology doctoral students: A qualitative analysis. Current Psychology
Velez, B., Kim, S.Y., Cox, R., Manosalvas, J., Daheim, J. (2022). A Comprehensive Test of the Integrative Mediation Model of Minority Stress with Sexual Minority Adults. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Kim, S. Y., Suh, H., Oh, W., *Daheim, J. (2021). Daily change patterns in mindfulness and psychological health: A pilot intervention. Journal of Clinical Psychology. doi:10.1002/jclp.23043.
*Nguyen, N., Kim, S.Y., *Daheim, J., & *Neduvelil, A. (2021). Prescription Pain Medication Use among Midlife and Older Adults with Chronic Pain: The Roles of Generativity and Perceived Family Support. Families, Systems, & Health.
Kim, S.Y., Shigemoto, Y., *Neduvelil, A., & Grzywacz, J. (in-press). Longitudinal Stability of Work-Family Enrichment Over and Above Well-Being and Personality Traits. The Counseling Psychologist.
*Nguyen, N., Kim, S.Y., *Daheim, J., & *Neduvelil, A., (2020). Social Contribution and Psychological Well-Being Among Mid-life Adults With Chronic Pain: A Longitudinal Approach. Journal of Aging and Health.
Kim, H.J, Kim, S.Y., Duffy, R., *Nguyen, N., Wang, D. (in-press). A cross-cultural comparison of the Psychology of Working Theory among U.S. and Korean college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology.
Suh, H., Kim, S. Y., & McCabe, E. A. (2020). Profiles of mindfulness and difficulties in emotion regulation and links to work-family-school conflict. Journal of American College Health, 1-8, doi: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1752696.
Kim, S. Y., Shigemoto, Y., & *Neduvelil, A. (2019). Survive or Thrive? Longitudinal Relation Between Chronic Pain and Well-Being. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-13.
*Daheim, J., Kim, S.Y., *Neduvelil, A., & *Nguyen, N. (2019). Men, chronic pain, and prescription pain medication use: The role of gender role beliefs in a longitudinal moderated mediation model. Pain Medicine. doi:10.1093/pm/pnz200.
Kim, S. Y., Lee, J., Wester, S. R., & Fouad, N. (2019). Do “manly” men believe other men are happier? Social comparison, masculine norms, and positive work–family spillover. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. Advance online publication.
Nam, J.S., & Kim, S.Y. (2019). Decent work in South Korea: Context, conceptualization, and assessment. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
*Boone, D., & Kim, S. Y. (2019). Family Strain, Depression, and Somatic Amplification in Adults with Chronic Pain. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-10.
Kim, S. Y., Velez, B. L., *Daheim, J., & Lei, N (2018). Validation of the Work Family Conflict Scale for Sexual Minority Employees. Journal of Career Assessment, 1-16.
Kim, S. Y., Fouad, N.A, & Lee, J.(2018). The roles of work and family in men’s lives: Testing the social cognitive model of career self-management. Journal Vocational Behavior, 106, 153-164.
Fouad, N., Ghosh, A., Santana, M., Kim, S. Y., Young, G., & Oplet, B. (2017). First to Second Year of College Persistence: A Review and Recommendations. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Student Retention.
Kim, S.Y., Fouad, N., Maeda, H., Xie, H., Nazan, N. (2017) Mid-life Work and Psychological Well-being: A Test of the Psychology of Working Theory. Journal of Career Assessment, 1-12. doi:10.1177/1069072717714538.
Kim, S.Y., Ahn, T.Y., & Fouad, N.A. (2016). Family Influence on Korean Students’ Career Decisions: A Social Cognitive Perspective. Journal of Career Assessment. 1-14. doi:10.1177/1069072715599403.
Fouad, N.A., Kim, S.Y., Ghosh, A., Chang, W., & Figueiredo, C. (2015) Family Influence on Career Decision Making: Validation in India and the US. Journal of Career Assessment. doi:10.1177/1069072714565782.
Ahn, T., & Kim, S.Y. (2013). The structural relationship between career decision-making self-efficacy, career indecision, career preparation behavior, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction: Centering around college students in Busan. The Journal of Vocational Education Research, 1- 22, 32, 6.
Kim, S.Y., ×Yang, W., *Singh, S., *Jiwani, Z, & *Hamm, E. (Under Review) Linguistic markers of high vs. low opioids deaths: Machine Learning analysis of pain-related tweets
Kim, S. Y., Lee, J., *Nguyen, N., & *Mathai, B. (Under Review) The change of work-family social support interface among workers with chronic pain: a latent transition analysis
Kim, S., *Wong, P., & *Xu, M, *Dhar, J. (Under Review) Beyond the margins of invisibility: a critical review and conceptual model of pain management in Asian Americans.
*Daheim, J., *Nguyen, N., & Kim, S.Y. (Under Review). Comparative benefits of physical activity and mindfulness on the effects of negative work-family spillover on life dissatisfaction
*Daheim, J. Nguyen, N., & Kim, S.Y. (Under Review). Men, chronic pain, and risk of opioid abuse: The role of conformity to masculine norms
*Sanchez, Pina-Watson, & Kim, S Y. (Under Review) Minority-status stress and mental health among Latinx college students: Self-compassion as a potential moderating mechanism